Prepare your caravan quickly and safely for travelling
Whether you are travelling on to the next campsite, on another stage of your tour or on your way home: Setting up and unhitching a caravan is a little more time-consuming than a motorhome. It is helpful to know the right steps and, ideally, to have a checklist - we give you tips on what is important.
Whether sales vehicle or platform vehicle, ambulance or livestock transport - thanks to many years’ worth of experience, AL-KO has the right lightweight chassis for every customer’s needs. What options are available? Which field needs which solution? Read on to find out everything you need to know about the AL-KO lightweight chassis.
First and foremost, it is important to ensure that you correctly load your camper van in order to stay safe. However, this also increases driving comfort and means that you consume less fuel. Loading your camping vehicle correctly. In addition to a general weight check, this also includes appropriate weight distribution, especially when it comes to heavy objects, as well as meticulously securing the load. We’re here to show how to do it!
Van or box truck? This is a question many companies ask themselves before purchasing a transportation vehicle. People often opt for a van, the supposedly cheaper solution, because they cost less to buy. We have done some research for you into the important aspects and advantages to help you make the right decision.
When it’s snowing outside or black ice has turned the streets into an ice rink, the show must still go on for many of you: work has to get done and trailer and transport have to get to site. Vehicle technology specialist AL-KO has put together some tips for you on how to drive and brake safely with a trailer despite snowy and icy conditions.
Practical and simple - having a trailer that can play its part in tricky situations, even if they only happen every now and then, can take away the worry of having any difficulties on the road. You may be thinking that all you have to do is load up your goods, hop into your vehicle and take your goods to their destination. But be careful, it's not quite that easy. The safety of everyone has to take top priority on the road. Therefore, you shouldn’t cut corners when buying a trailer. Read on to find out the difference between unbraked and braked trailers and what speaks in favour of the braked model.
If you run a fleet, optimised fleet management is essential. If you’re planning to reduce fleet costs, the obvious solution would be to minimise your fleet. But to make sure that your fleet can still transport the same volume, it’s a good idea to opt for the lightweight chassis concept from AL-KO Vehicle Technology. So as to evaluate the resulting capital goods from an economic point of view, below you can find an exemplary calculation for the total cost of ownership.